About me

Certified Health and Wellbeing Coach, EFT Practitioner and MSc Nutritional Expert

Hi, I'm Vanessa

I am passionate about empowering women to change.

 My passion comes from my journey since breast cancer which was my sign post to change. I found more awareness in life through meditation, mindfulness, yoga and tapping. I realised what was keeping me stuck, what I needed to accept or make peace with and what to take responsibility for, to allow me to move forward to live well beyond breast cancer. My quest to find greater happiness has led me on this journey and now I would like to share my gifts with you. 

I believe that each individual has the potential within to become happier and healthier, the small steps each day is what counts, the ripple effect.

Is it time for you to start your quest to greater happiness and health? To be the best version of you!

Hi I'm Vanessa

Why work with me?

My embodied experience and the meaning I have found from adverse life experiences enables me to bring that deeper level of understanding and empathy to each conversation. I believe from all experiences there is a teaching if we have enough awareness to see the reality and it takes courage to look within, hold up that mirror, than to continually distract ourselves by doing and not being.

Happiness is intrinsic we are all beautifully imperfect, part of being human.

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou


Be Inspired